A review by vernip
The Lords of Night by J.C. Cervantes


Really weird they had to specify that AP viewed Ren as a daughter and that their relationship has always been as such and NOT romantic.
Have we really reached a point in society where that had to be spelled out cuz shippers are horrid people with no concept of reality?
Regardless, while I'm glad that the world of Storm Runner is continued with this, it's really weird that we only get 3 people from the previous series as actual characters in this book, instead opting to throw brand new characters, that while fun and have their own distinct personalities, does themselves no favors in ingratiating them to the audience by holding onto secrets about them. Bah!
The reveal of potential ETs and Aztec powers at play might be a bit too much for credibility too, but at the same time, I welcome ALL the wackiness that can be brought in. Keep it coming JC Cervantes!