A review by whosbradpitt
Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter by Russell Nohelty


Ichabod Jones was a beautifully illustrated work. I spent a while staring at the panels, enjoying the artistry (aside from the brutal, bloody pieces - not generally my cup of tea).

This story was either a psychotic fantasy or a post-apocalyptic horror novel. I sometimes felt like I knew, and then the author would throw in something else and I'd be confused again. I know some people enjoy that kind of ambiguity, but I tend to prefer an answer at the end. Still, it was a fascinating story and I wanted more of Ichabod when all was said and done. Really, it was that wanting that kept me from giving it more stars - I get that it was complete, and yet, it didn't feel complete.

That said, I'd recommend this to any graphic novel or apocalypse fans (because while I still can't decide what it was, that apocalypse flair is unmistakable).