A review by 5hadow_girl
Jimmy by William Malmborg


When the line between fantasy and reality is crossed, there is no turning back to the way things used to be.
Since turning the Hood’s abandoned fall out shelter into his private sex dungeon, and kidnapping Samantha King & Megan Reed, Jimmy Hawthorne is learning this lesson firsthand. It doesn’t take long before real life intrudes, and his fantasy of having his very own sex slaves reminds him of the rabbit he didn’t like taking care of as a kid.
Renacting his favorite scenes from bondage sites and fetish videos only get him so far. As the thrill and excitement wane, he considers just sealing up the shelter and walking away. But, he knows that he would still be drawn to them. Even in death, the call will always be stronger than his will.
Real life contains the regular intrusions as well. a new girlfriend, [Tina], the ass-hat classmates [Brett, Matt, and Paulie], who try to play the ‘bully’ role, and a younger brother, [Alan], who’s perception is just short of Hercule Poirot’s. The local police presence is growing, and his school prom is just around the corner.
All these things combined make for one kick ass and intense story.
This should go without saying, but, JIMMY is an 18+ story. Since I’ve reviewed a couple YA books lately, I figure it can’t hurt to throw that in.
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