A review by mgcco
Desaparecido em Massília by Steven Saylor


Last Seen in Massilia, like the other books in the Roma Sub-Rosa series, is like a bag of Kirkland's fruits and nuts--you can't just stop devouring it (the sweetness of the fruits--eaten alternately with the salty nuts--is extremely addicting).

Learned a lot about ancient Massilia (modern-day Marseilles in France) and its people:
1) "Without wealth, a man in Massilia is nothing" (p.83)
2) "Massilians were said to love money above all else and to exemplify the concomitant virtues--diligence, shrewdness, patience" (p.317)
3) "I'm a Massilian, Gordianus, and above all else, a Massilian respects a contract" (p.322).

Well-written and fast-paced, I only had one qualm with the ending--and it's purely sentimental on my part.

The book's winning line: "Now go, Gordianus. This is my moment!" (Massilian Hieronymous to his friend Gordianus the Finder, in an effort to shoo away a grieving Gordianus who wanted to save him from being sacrificed by the goddess' Artemis' priests).