A review by rebelbelle13
Doctor Who: The Nightmare of Black Island by Mike Tucker


Even though Ten isn't my Doctor, I had a lot of fun with this. It was a campy romp that would fit right in with any of RTD's other stories. It read quickly, there were no tangents of useless side characters, and Ten and Rose were decently enough in character that I believed it was them.
The story starts off simply enough, but does get more convoluted as it goes on. The ending is a little hard to follow, but if you just go with it and don't think about it too much, you'll have a good time. Rose and the Doctor end up in a island town in modern day UK where all of the children are having nightmares and literal monsters roam the woods at night. There's also a creepy old man who lives in a rectory with questionable staff, and a lighthouse that hasn't worked in 30 years. Hijinks ensue as Rose and the Doctor investigate and attempt to get to the bottom of it.
This was my first DW read by Mike Tucker, and he blended the YA format with a more adult story beautifully. There wasn't any pandering or overly descriptive language. It was certainly a change from the Classic Doctor stories that can bog you down with unimportant characters, pages of exposition and overly complicated language. It was honestly refreshing, and I'm glad I gave it a read.