A review by macfiar
Bleaker House: Chasing My Novel to the End of the World by Nell Stevens


This gets 1 stars only because the writing was good. I was tempted to leave it unrated. The idea that someone can go to a place outside of their regular routine for an extended length of time and emerge on the other side with a fully written novel is such a teenage romantic thing to think, that the book reads strangely. It is a conglomeration of her romantics, novel-writing dreams, descriptions of the Falklands, bits of prose that do not add up to a novel, and tables that describe stuff she is interested in keeping track of but I had no interest in whatever. What's supposed to be a way to keep herself from procrastinating ends up bring a sort of celebration of procrastination while at the same time, the author believes she's not. The writing is beautiful and the scene about finding the internet was hilarious but overall this book wastes everyone's time. I'm surprised anyone wanted to publish this.