A review by brynhammond
The Caedmon Treasury of Modern Poets Reading Their Own Poetry by Wallace Stevens, Stephen Spender, W.B. Yeats, Robert Graves, E.E. Cummings, Dylan Thomas, Louis MacNeice, Marianne Moore, Robert Frost, Conrad Aiken, William Empson, W.H. Auden, Richard Wilbur, Archibald MacLeish, Richard Eberhart, Caedmon, Edith Sitwell, Gertrude Stein, William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot


My cousins got me the CDs. Go cousins. Aside from the inconvenience of no play list in the packaging -- you have to look at the CDs themselves, and there the titles are severely truncated -- aside from that, half the time with no idea who I'm listening to, I am riveted. Writers read their own: way to go.