A review by slbeckmann
The Royal Abduls by Ramiza Shamoun Koya


Thank you to the author, Forest Avenue Press and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was a great read, and much more nuanced than I was expecting. Yes, the disconnect between cultural and racial stereotypes being applied to those that know no other culture than the one trying to set them apart, was a big topic. But the emotional cost of human relationships, the gender issues involved in taking a different path than the expectations of others would put upon you, the hope of belonging and being happy... all a part of this family saga, and all done so well. Both of the main characters, Amina and her nephew Omar, are complex and so well-drawn - this is not necessarily the case for secondary characters, but these two carry the book. There are no easy, pat answers given, and the ending leaves things open - but still manages to satisfy. Highly recommended!