A review by coyotegospel
Begin Transmission: The Trans Allegories of The Matrix by Tilly Bridges



Really enjoyed this. It’s always hard for me not to get wrapped up in someone so obviously in love with her subject, and even more so when it’s a subject that hits close to home. I’m very much in the “didn’t really understand why these movies resonated so much with me as a kid” bucket, and while a lot of the metaphor has been clearer coming back to them as adult with some Other Stuff figured out, Bridges does a great job of cracking the whole series open and finding facets of the gems inside that I had missed.

The main heads up I’d give is that, as another trans person, I’m not sure I was always the imagined reader. Bridges seems to have a well-intentioned but uninformed cis person in mind a lot of the time, which makes a lot of sense for a book that wants to make this reading of the Matrix films more accessible. It can just be a little much when that isn’t you. Not in a way that feels alienating, but you do have to get through few lessons on arithmetic before you get to the proofs, if that makes sense.