A review by christythelibrarian
The Dashwood Sisters Tell All: A Modern-Day Novel of Jane Austen by Beth Pattillo


The Dashwood Sisters Tell All is about two very different sisters whose mother – an Austen aficionado – bequeaths her estate to them in her will on the condition that they both take an Austen tour in England together. I appreciated that the sisters were not Austen fans themselves. Also, I could tell that the author did her research on the places, which was both good for Austen tidbits of knowledge and bad because sometimes the book sounded exactly like an author’s research notes. The characters were slightly slavish echoes of the Dashwood sisters of Sense and Sensibility. I wished that they had felt more like real people. I found the Austen diary mystery subplot to be silly. So, in the end, the book wasn’t my cup of tea.