A review by virginiacjacobs
The Tub People's Christmas by Pam Conrad, Richard Egielski


This is another children's book recommended to me by my mother. Usually she does a good job in picking out books, and I think she liked this one because the Tub People reminded her of the Peeps that my sister and I used to play with when we were little.

I also thought I've read other works by Pam Conrad, but when I searched her, nothing rang a bell.

I read this book to Captain America, and we got about 8 pages into it and we both agreed it was just about the stupidest children's book we've ever read. We finished it (I mean, really, it's all of about 30 pages, including illustrations), but it was just terrible. And the first and last page had a random picutre of an angle, that had nothing to do with the story.

If you're looking for a Christmas children's book to read your kids/nieces/nephews, this isn't it.