A review by csistek
The Ghost That Ate Us by Daniel Kraus


The entire premise of this book is a chef's kiss in itself. I love subversive formats like this, especially when it comes to horror.

The introduction alone was so good that I made my brother read it and then I read it out loud to my parents because it was fascinating. I just loved it.


Even though I thoroughly enjoyed this book, the ending was... a bit unsatisfying. Like eating a fast food burger when you're famished. It starts off tasting amazing because you haven't eaten all day and it's hitting all the right spots and the seasoning is honestly quite good--but then you get to the last couple of bites and the magic gets lost. You start cringing a little. And I did just that--cringe--when I finished the last line of the book. This last line was one that a book reviewer I trust deeply said made them "shiver" and now I just wonder if it was actually a shudder because of how corny it was. I honestly think Kraus could have left off the final chapter and it would have been a perfect ending where the second-to-last chapter leaves us.

That said, I definitely give this one a recommend because it was just such a fun ride. I really found myself several times setting the book down to instinctively look up articles and videos from the footnotes--it's just that convincing.