A review by ashley_schulte
Collision of Empires: The War on the Eastern Front in 1914 by Prit Buttar


This was a very interesting and detailed book about a subject that I did not know a lot about, what led up to WWI and how the eastern countries of the world participated. This book honestly took me quite a long time to get through and this was due to a few reasons. I enjoyed reading it, but it was just so detailed that I could only do so much in each sitting. It was a lot to take in, so many names, so many battles. All of it was completely new to me and I found it all fascinating. I cannot say that I will remember the vast majority of this book with its thousands of facts, but I can at least walk away from reading it having a better understanding of World War I and the players that are not as widely focused on. This book will give you a very detailed look of what went on away from the main focus of most history books in WWI.