A review by scheu
Wild Cards IV: Aces Abroad by George R.R. Martin, Wild Cards Trust


Volume Four takes a dip in quality after the first loose trilogy. There's a lack of focus, which is probably due to the format/plot of this volume (a world tour involving several characters, some of which are relatively new). It's still Wild Cards, though, which counts for a lot. HOWEVER.

Maybe I didn't care as much when I was 13 and read this for the first time, but some of these authors need to let the penis go. I can't help but wonder if cheesy sex scenes made SF/fantasy more "edgy" in the late eighties. The stories without it here tend to be better. REALLY THOUGH. You can say a guy is aroused and not say (more or less) that he's popped a massive boner. Writers: consider this a challenge if for some reason you're at this point in your narrative.