A review by miss_majuu
Joker: Anthologie by Mike Gold


Ohhh boy

Overall average of all the stories: 3.0
Favorite story: Fool's Errand, 2001
Least favorite story: A clash of symbols, 1990
Favorite art style: The man who laughs, 2005
Least favorite art style: The joker & the joker returns, 1940

This was, quite frankly, baad. It was interesting to get the full character journey but I'm left wondering why some stories were selected for this: especially The Origin of the Joker (2007), which is basically the killing joke but in just two pages.
There were also stories in here, where you needed background knowledge because of events that happened before and characters that were already established at the certain issue that was selected for this collection. Because of that some stories were incredibly hard to follow and confusing.
A downside from covering all decades of the jokers appearance were that on the one hand the characters have very little to do with what you associate with them and on the other hand comics were just written drastically different that time. The art style was completely not my taste and it had a very low-effort somewhat comedic ring to it. In addition to that were the text bubbles in the corner of the page (who are normally used for setting up a scene) on every page, stating what could be seen on that page. For example it would be "he shuffled the cards" and the picture would be of hands shuffling cards.

Overall I really didn't enjoy my time reading this but the text pages, explaining the history of the character were really interesting. I gave a total of 3 out of 18 stories a rating over 3