A review by silvercal
Between the Duke and the Deep Blue Sea by Sophia Nash


Alexander Barclay, Duke of Kress, is on his way to his country estate to marry an heiress quickly to help squelch the public outrage over a very sordid bachelor party. Unfortunately, none of the men involved in the bachelor party can really remember what happened and as Alex provided the drinks for the party, well, he is first up to feel the wrath of the Prince Regent (who was also at the party and now needs to repair his reputation). As he is gazing at the cliffs a movement catches his eye and he is stunned to see a woman hanging there! He quickly rescues the spirited Roxanne Vanderhaven and agrees to shelter her at his home.

Roxanne is flabbergasted that her husband tried to kill her! All she was doing was looking over the cliff, slipped on the wet ground and he says he will go get help. Only to never return. How can this man that she provided so much for want her dead? Her goal is to find out and extract a measure of revenge. With no money and the need to stay hidden, she pleads to stay with Alex and the sparks and humor start to fly.

This series was inspired by "The Hangover" movie and while I have not seen it yet, I can see how the inspiration was played out. It looks like there will six books about these bachelors at this infamous party who will all have to do their part, ordered by the Prince Regent, to rise above the scandal. I really enjoyed how this book started out quickly and just kept on moving. Watching Alex slowly fall for the scandal ridden and currently penniless Roxanne all while trying to host a house party to choose a 'correct' wife was delightful. I also really appreciated how Roxanne knew she was still married--though presumed dead--and tried to honor that commitment. I won't go into much detail but to me, there was no 'total' cheating. Plus, her husband tried to kill her so I was not going to hold passionate moments against them! There is also a bit of humor through Alex 'befriending" Roxannes husband to help find out why he did what he did. Yes, the ending did wrap everything up a bit neatly but then again, it needed to for our couple to find their own HEA. Overall, I was happy with this book and I am anxious for the next book as there are just enough glimpses of a few of the other bachelors to make me ready for their stories. It looks to be the start of a delightfully fun series! 4 stars

I received this eARC from Avon via netgalley.com