A review by novelheartbeat
The Last Hope by Erin Hunter



Welp that was traumatizing.

Remember how I've been complaining that the old series I loved had vanished - for like the past 12 books? Well, apparently they decided to cram 12 books of emotion into this one last book.

I'm equal parts relieved, devastated, and pissed. Relieved that I finally got to see a glimmer of what I loved so much about the series before I called it quits. Devastated because my favorite character and other beloved characters are now dead. PISSED because they waited so long to actually DO something with my emotions that it now feels like a plot device.

SpoilerI knew Firestar was going to die. I knew that two series ago and felt it in my bones going into this series. I knew he'd die in the final battle. But I am HELLA PISSED that he went out the way he did. I love that he saved his clan, but a fucking lightning strike and flaming tree?? Really? It's absolutely fucking stupid that he survived the major battle (we finally got to see that epic showdown with Tigerstar that I was hoping for the first time he died!!) with little to no wounds only to be taken down by a falling, burning tree that got hit by lightning. He should have died from his wounds after taking Tigerstar out. *rolls eyes*

I wasn't at all surprised at the return of Hollyleaf. I had started to suspect she wasn't dead (and also there was no closure in her death because she just disappeared - I never believe a character is actually dead in fiction unless we SEE it happen - and sometimes not even then, fucking fiction). I cried when she died, but I was also kinda pissed about that one too. It feels like she came back JUST to die for real. At least she went out with honor this time! I sobbed when Mousefur died, but it wasn't as hard as I expected with her being my favorite character. I was thrilled that she got to go out fighting and got the warrior's death that she deserved! Spottedleaf's death hit me harder than I expected. We've already seen her die once, and she seemed untouchable in StarClan, so it felt so unfair for her to die again. I lost my fucking shit when Firestar protested that she promised to be there to welcome him into StarClan and she told him it wasn't meant to be. I was also really surprised by how hard Ferncloud's death hit me. I didn't realize how attached I was to her, and when Dustpelt found his dead mate I lost my shit again :( Poor Dustpelt!

I loved that there was a little bit of catharsis between Leafpool and Crowfeather, as well as Leafpool and her kits. And Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight as well!
SpoilerHe made her his deputy, dawwwww *sobs*

The little moment between Longtail and Mousefur got me all misty too:
"You took your time," Mousefur muttered. "Always late, that's your trouble."
"Not too late, I hope," Longtail retorted.

Oh Mousefur how I love you, you bitter and snarky little cinnamon roll.
SpoilerBut then she died right after that. BRB SOBBING.

I wasn't really a fan of the whole Tigerheart/Dovewing ship. I wanted her to get with Bumblestripe so bad! I didn't care for the love triangle they had going. Dovewing was kind of an idiot in that regard.

All in all, this one finally brought the old series back and I'm glad I got to have my emotional attachment before calling quits on the series. I am kind of aggravated that it was all crammed into the span of 25 pages, though -__-