A review by pgchuis
George Eliot: Adam Bede/The Mill on the Floss/Silas Marner/Middlemarch by George Eliot


More of a 3.5* really - there were long boring bits and large sections written with in dialect and in dialect pronunciation, which were tiresome to get through. My favourite explanatory note concerns John Wesley's approval of women preachers. I am also grateful to the notes for explaining the significance of Hetty's neckerchief being left at the Hermitage.

There were some good characters: Mrs Poyser, Dinah and Arthur were particularly well-drawn. The description of living as a tenant on a big estate and identifying with the squire was interesting. Hetty and Adam were a bit of a problem for me. I found his love for her hard to understand when she was so vacuous and unencouraging. The pace picked up quite a lot from the time Hetty left home and the section describing Adam and Dinah falling for one another was sweet and convincing. Overall very sad; it's not going to be my favourite Eliot novel.