A review by stephdaydreams
Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly


This was an engaging, immersive read, holding my attention from start to finish.

That said, I will say I had trouble getting over my personal discomfort over the romance. After reading (and absolutely loving) Birthday Girl by Penelope Douglas, I figured I could handle the age gap. However, the power dynamic in this specific age gap romance was a hard pill to swallow. Especially with how quickly -- and frequently -- sex happens, alongside the number of times Cassio refers to Guilia as a child or teen. So that was at the forefront of my mind, nevertheless, I did find myself caring for the couple and the family they formed. I cheered for them and wanted them to find a happily ever after of their own. So I'm glad they did. Still, I never shed the skin of discomfort I felt whilst reading.

Another qualm was the subplot with Luca-- it seemed to me we were building towards a climax where Luca would place the main family in danger of some kind, instead he pulls them out of it. I was really intrigued with the non-romantic plot, so the build-up of Luca leading absolutely nowhere felt like a book that started with a bang ended with a whimper.

Still, I never felt like putting down this story-- it did engage me, intrigue, and make me care for our main characters. I wouldn't read it again, but I would likely (cautiously) recommend it to others.