A review by ametakinetos
Outdated: Find Love That Lasts When Dating Has Changed by Kevin McConaghy, Jonathan "JP" Pokluda


Listen, like any Christian dating book, it has to be taken with the grain of salt that very little in terms of explicit rules is stated in the Bible concerning dating. Largely the legislation and social norm created surrounding Christian dating depends on your interpretation of adiaphora and how you read certain verses.

On the whole, this book does a wonderful job of informing a Christian's dating life. It sets the decisive goal of being equally yoked to a strong believer in marriage and putting God at the center. All heartbreak is not avoidable, but certainly a lot of it could be bypassed by viewing dating purposefully and from the perspective of eternity instead of temporary satisfaction and infatuation. For some, they best accomplish the aforementioned goal by setting immovable boundaries for themselves and approaching dating almost algorithmically with black-and-white decisiveness, while others prefer to pray their way through and understand where God is leading them in accordance with His Word and guidance in each situation. I don't think either is wrong or more right. People are gifted differently and "dating", as it is entirely our own construction, can be flexible.

This book is a great resource to have in the toolbox, but just like anything else has to be read critically through the lens of the Bible and how God has individually gifted and charged you. Definitely a good one for a roundtable discussion or to read before embarking upon dating to set the intention.