A review by littletaiko
Everybody Kills Somebody Sometime by Robert J. Randisi


It was with a slight amount of trepidation that I picked up this first in the Rat Pack series. It seemed like the sort of concept that could go horribly wrong. Plus, as a fan of Dean, Frank, and Sammie's music, I worried about how they would be portrayed. Luckily, all my fears were for naught and this noir story managed to hit the right notes. When Dean starts receiving some threatening letters, Frank calls in Eddie G, a pit boss from one of the Las Vegas casinos. Eddie isn't thrilled with the request but can't say no since he's quite a fan of Dean's. What seems like a simple request quickly becomes more complicated when Eddie stumbles across a few dead bodies and has his own life threatened. The author was smart to have Eddie be the main character with the Rat Pack as side characters who show up from time to time. I look forward to reading more in the series.