A review by lunaseassecondaccount
Mercy by Jodi Picoult


Ugh, this book. Ugh. I knew from the moment I picked it up I knew I was going to regret reading it. [a:Jodi Picoult|7128|Jodi Picoult|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1305417712p2/7128.jpg] has great ideas, but her execution always leaves me wanting. She also never seems to know how to end her stories. It's like she gets bored with writing and just wants to finish the novel.

The characters droves me nuts. Cam is a jerk, Mia is a jerk and Allie needs to grow a backbone. The only character I liked at all was Ellen, and she didn't have nearly enough to do in the novel. I liked Angus, too, but I have no idea what he was meant to be doing or representing in the book.

The book moves very slowly, and honestly, the blurb says nothing about what the book is really about. I wanted to read more about the court case, about Maggie's battle with cancer and her decision to end her life via Jamie. But instead we had to deal with freaking Cam and Mia's apparent beautiful (gag!) relationship.

This book is just terrible. Picoult is an okay writer- her prose is fine, at least. And she starts with great ideas. But her characters are unbelievable and her endings fall flat.