A review by bookswithlukas
The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe


Who knew medical disasters could be so boring?

I really hate it when the best thing I have to say about a book is that it's readable. There really should be more positives for a book than that, sadly, this is not the case with this one though. I was tempted to give it three stars, simply because I read it quite quickly, but the truth is, it's simply not that good, and I probably won't remember much at all of it in a month.

This new trilogy (oh boy) kind of fits into the dystopia/post apocalyptic genre, except this time it focuses around a medical disaster, with a new virus contaminating everyone on a small island. Sounds kind of exciting, right? THINK AGAIN. As per usual, our heroine must find a way to beat the virus and save the people she loves before it's too late.
SpoilerSPOILER: Pretty much everyone dies, she kind of sucks at saving people.
Blah blah blah blah.


My biggest issue with this story was that it doesn't really go anywhere. Our 'heroine', if you can really call her that, basically just sits around waiting as one person dies after another. The repetition of it got a little old. First her mum gets the virus and dies, then her niece gets the virus, then her dads murdered…it's all so depressing and typical to the point where when one persons coughed it, you kind of know someone else is about to be in the firing line.

The characters are also extremely flat, and I mean really really flat. I know the situation is depressing, but there is not even a tiny bit of humour here to elevate the characters personalities, or even a attempt at character development at all really. Everyone has been moulded into the typical YA moulds that you read in every book, except they've been made as uninteresting as possible.

One of my biggest issues with the book though was that these 15 year olds, do not act 15 in the slightest, and they all seem to conveniently have these specialist subjects that are somehow useful in creating their new world during the virus outbreak. Our MC is practically an encyclopaedia when it comes to animal behaviour. Her friend Tessa is some kind of gardening whiz who knows how to grow medicinal crops. Tell me of a 15 year old, who happens to be an avid gardner? I mean, seriously, pleeeease.


The whole book is also written in journal form, which is not something I usually mind, in truth I usually quite enjoy it. But in this book, the whole journal is written to this boy Leo that she used to fancy, like two years ago, and who she doesn't speak to anymore because they had a falling out….. I. JUST. DIDN'T. CARE. Also...
Spoiler....guess who makes a surprise entrance on the very last page…..*drumroll* Oh my god! It's LEO!


Overall, this was a very disappointing book, and while I did read it quite fast, I can't say I could recommend this to anyone with a good conscience. It's the definition of 'meh' for me. Will I read the sequel though? Probably, but only because I'm a masochist, who hates not knowing what happens after a cliffhanger ending, dam you Megan Crewe!