A review by shevek
Cannabis: A History by Martin Booth


It's extremely difficult to come by any well-researched, reliable, and generally impartial material on this plant. Those writing about it are generally either of the opinion that it's a Satanic weed sent to destroy our way of life or convinced that it's the holy Tree of Life from which all wisdom and joy are derived. Booth, meanwhile, is even-handed and thorough, providing an incredible amount of information about the history of this plant as well as its many uses—not just as an intoxicant, but also as a medication, fiber, and base material for plastics and fuel. In doing so, he dispels many commonly believed myths about the plant and uncovers the appallingly racist origins of draconian modern drug prohibition policy. The book is a bit dry in passages, but that's only to be expected of so thorough an overview. An excellent read—I'm glad it caught my eye on the sale table at the Strand.