A review by arwenauthor
Introducing Freud: A Graphic Guide by Oscar Zárate, Richard Appignanesi

funny informative fast-paced


Well. Ummmm... I've never read a book with so many penises in it ROFL >.<

Actually, for what it's worth, this is a good introduction to Freud. Yes, it's a graphic novel, but with a much greater proportion of text to pictures than in your average graphic novel so you can really get some proper information about Freud (not saying that I'll remember all the details but it was clearly described and succinct - when it wasn't being deliberately rambling, that is... )

It's a truncated history, obviously, but it's a good one and strikes the right balance of humour and information (the pictures carried a lot of the humour).

Definitely recommend to anyone who's curious about Freud!