A review by roeckitcody
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie


I went into this book super duper excited to read one of my favorite stories that has been turned into many movies that I absolutely adored growing up.

As I began my journey, the book has everything I wanted, youthfulness, joy and hope, but as time went on we lost all of that, and it became dreary and sadly, boring. I WAS BORED OF SOMETHING I LOVED SO MUCH. That's a problem.

O f course, I love Peter Pan as a character, and Wendy is sweet as hell, but it lacked that certain something that really makes me enjoy a book. It lacked that spark, the pixie dust.

I can't say I hated this book, because their were parts I actually quite enjoyed, but overall it just wasn't for me. I mean, I'm sure there are others who agree with me.

Near the end I found myself skimming through pages, because I just WASN"T INTERESTED.

Hate on me if you want, but this book wasn't everything it should be, it had some great writing style in the beginning and it faded as I continued, and there were times were the plot didn't really move.

Tink was such a good part of the story, but even with her "You Silly Ass' lines, it couldn't make up for the sheer dreariness that is Peter Pan, the way the book is written by J.M. Barrie.
Completely disappointed.