A review by jkellyjr
The Sanctuary by Andrew Hunter Murray



Unearth hidden truths and embark on an unforgettable journey…

Book Information

The Sanctuary by Andrew Hunter Murray is a 400-page mystery that was first published on May 26, 2022 and is due to be rereleased on January 23, 2024. Thank you to Blackstone Publishing for providing me with an advance reader copy of this book for review.


In a turbulent, crumbling near-future, Ben, a city-dwelling artist, embarks on a challenging journey to Sanctuary Rock, a secluded island owned by the wealthy philanthropist, Sir John Pemberley. This journey is prompted by Ben's attempt to rekindle his engagement with Cara, who has chosen to make the island her permanent home. However, as he explores the island's enigmatic society, Ben uncovers unsettling truths about Sir John's purported utopia, leaving him to question whether Sanctuary Rock is the paradise it's claimed to be or a concealed realm of darkness.

My Thoughts

Andrew Hunter Murray's "The Sanctuary" is a versatile and thought-provoking novel that defies easy categorization, weaving an intricate narrative that delves into many themes. This character-driven story could be classified as a mystery, thriller, cult thriller, science fiction, and more. It touches on various thought-provoking subjects, such as capitalism, pollution, extinction, technology, religion, cults, and mortality.

While the book starts at a slower pace, it gradually transforms into an imaginative tale that kept me hooked. Initially, I was skeptical and was convinced this would be a three-star read at best. However, as the story progressed, it became increasingly engaging. I found myself constantly considering the mysteries within the novel and eagerly anticipating what would unfold next, even when I wasn't reading. As the book progresses, you are transported into a world where every word feels like a puzzle piece in a mesmerizing narrative mosaic.

As is common in dystopian fiction, "The Sanctuary" offers insightful commentary on our current society, encouraging readers to reflect on their own world by presenting an alternate reality that mirrors some of our own societal issues. The book's thought-provoking narrative invites readers to question the status quo and consider the potential consequences of our actions.

Andrew Hunter Murray's writing style is excellent, and his storytelling is skillfully executed. He excels in creating a vivid and immersive setting that draws readers into the world he has crafted.

While the book does feature twists and surprises, they are delivered in an understated manner, consistent with Murray's writing style. These moments are not bombastic or earth-shattering but rather subtle shifts that add clarity to the narrative and propel the story forward. The twists in 'The Sanctuary' are like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered, keeping you guessing until the very end.


"The Sanctuary" is a compelling and multifaceted novel that offers a slow but rewarding start, an intriguing plot, and a cast of well-developed characters. With its ability to explore a wide range of themes and thought-provoking commentary on contemporary society, this book is a thought-provoking and well-crafted read for those who enjoy character-driven narratives with a touch of mystery, thriller, and science fiction. Recommended.


4 Enigmatic Stars