A review by yuusasih
Le Cœur en balance by Marie Sexton


Yes, I am fasting, and yes, I read this while I'm fasting. But whatever. Reading is harmless and I skipped the sex scenes so I didn't feel that much guilty to God. And yes, I'm religious person but not that religious, so think whatever you want. Besides, this story have that religious theme in it so I would just put this into my religious reading.

Okay, enough with my guilty rant.

For several early pages, I found myself hard to caught myself in this story, with it has some non-con scenes blasted at me from the beginning no, I'm not reading the aerlier pages while I was fasting, it's days before that and that scenes made me hesitant to continue reading this, and made my reading progress came painstakingly slower than my usual pace. But when Jamie got into the scene, it started getting better and better, and I found myself absorbed in this story.

This story contain sensitive issues, religious and its view on homosexualism. I found this book interesting with the way Marie Sexton rolling smoothly in the issue with Levi's family, the compromise was good for both part, and I found myself didn't mind. I also thought hard in the same issue since I know that gay is not merely nature, but also nurture, they born with that condition. So is God that cruel to let them being a sinner even since the day they were born? This book gave a fine compromise, though not the same with my own perception, but I know that was the most for strictly religious family like Binder's.

This book also dealt with psychology issues; trauma, sexual-abuse, etc on Jamie's part. As a psychologist student I found myself delighted with the issues presented. Jamie was a mess-up man, and we know that affection is the best solution for his problems.

So yeah, 5 stars for this brilliant story. Such a great experience in reading.