A review by misty24a8a
The Proposition by Jennifer Lyon


Putting same review on all 3 parts of trilogy as I own it in a boxed set.

Wanted to say first that I LOVED the supporting characters! Kellan and Drake were amazing and hope we read more about Ana.

Favorite notes:

Drake leaned slightly to make a face at Sloane, "Hear her? The popsicles are mine." "What are you five?" Sloane stuck the promised treats in the freezer. "I'm the man who can kick your ass if you touch my popsicles."

"Oh shut up. Do you hear yourself? Did that accident unleash your inner martyr? Cuz she is seriously unattractive. Kill that bitch off and bring back my prickly Kit Kat."

"Broke his nose, according to Sloane. He said, and I quote, 'it was fucking beautiful,'" A stupid-ass grin surprised her. "What a poet."

"Men refuse to acknowledge Dirty Dancing because of the lift. Most men can't do a controlled lift of a woman over their head. They're threatened by it."

Ends at 99% on my Kindle. Approx 6219 locations on 3 part box set.

Shelf tags:
Heroine wounded injured: suffers leg injury from violent mugging
Hero cries/Made me cry:
you know the character is going to die but ohhh you feel the pain right along with Sloane and Kat