A review by tessa_talks_books
Secret Identity by Alex Segura


What’s it about (in a nutshell):
Secret Identity by Alex Segura is a boldly daring and creative take on a noir-style murder mystery set in the 1970s comic book publishing world.
What I Enjoyed:
I love the comic pages about The Lynx interspersed throughout the story. They represent Carmen’s struggles in a superhero format and intriguingly add to the character development. They also read as a love letter to comics by the author who used to work in the comic book industry. I read comic books as a kid, but mostly Archie and similar. However, I realize I could easily have enjoyed comics such as The Lynx and what an outstanding role model they would have been.
Written in a hard-boiled noir slow-build style but without a professional detective, Secret Identity is a murder mystery set in the 1970s. This style and period bring about complex thematic struggles that still ring true today. Segura handles themes such as sexual identity, the plight of immigrants, and the glass ceiling phenomenon (which was much lower, then) skillfully and relevantly to illicit plenty of emotions from me over the various plights and struggles.
The story also genuinely explored the world of comics and authentically displayed the world for what it was - warts and all. I never thought about making a comic or how complicated the process truly is. I came out of the story which a much more knowledgeable appreciation and a desire to read superhero comics.
Let’s not forget, at its base, this is a mystery novel. I enjoyed this excellent mystery that connects all the components, including the Lynx comic, by the jaw-dropping conclusion. I did not figure out who did it or why -at least not the correct person and/or reason- being happily led down the red herring path. But boy, the conclusion came up with a dangerous bang that kept those pages turning.
Secret Identity is a character-driven story. It is a complex character study of a Cuban American lesbian in the 1970s in New York. That can be a lot to take in, but it is fascinating and filled with ingenious nuances that made it feel authentic; put it this way - it would not surprise me to find a real Carmen Valdez out there in the world.
Carmen Valdez is determined, intelligent, and not afraid to stand up for herself. She has always dreamed of writing comic books since they played a significant role in her formative years. Nothing and no one can get between her and her dream, even though plenty try.
What I Wish:
The comic pages are so good that I wish there had been more of them!!!
To Read or Not to Read:
If you love a complex character-driven mystery with solid themes and find the world of comics intriguing, you will want to pick up the latest book by Alex Segura and just sit back and enjoy.