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A review by tabsfchnr
The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability by Paul Hawken


Pretty good. I got really excited around page 15 when the core idea of the book was put forward the first time: structure the economy in a way that is inherently restorative of the environment and the resources we use to do business. This is a novel idea now, let alone when it was originally written in 1993. Unlike many environmentalists I've heard from (not loads I'll admit), Hawken actually encourages some kind of a synergy between ecology and business. He's relatively optimistic about innovation, technology and "ecopreneurs".

In terms of the book itself, given how clued up everyone is on the climate crisis, there's simply too many pages on how much destruction laissez-faire capitalism can and has caused. There are also no headings but the title of each chapter. This doesn't help to seperate and digest the different arguments being made.

Bottom line, I think the core concept is still applicable today but a book summary would do.