A review by givnuapeacesign
Professor Chandra Follows His Bliss by Rajeev Balasubramanyam


This one was Very hard for me to get into. There was an incredible amount of backstory to help the reader understand how Professor Chandra had gotten to the place where he was. For he was an aging respected economist , looking forward to finally winning the elusive Nobel Prize in Economics. That was his life’s goal, and at 69, no matter how hard he worked, it just didn’t seem to be possible. His family life was in shambles, having lost his marriage and was estranged from his oldest daughter. That took a lot of pages to inform the reader. I threatened to put the book down. But I’m just not that type. The second half showed his personal reflections and means of healing himself within to finally heal his relationships. I did not find this book hilarious as many reviewers have. But I did find some of myself in Chandra’s ego and the way he judged others. It made me examine the ways I spoke to and about my son. I hope I can apply some of this to my words and realign them with the pride I feel.