A review by bola28
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer


Pretty good addition to the series, but the first was better.

The book itself was great. Objectively, as good as the first, but I am personally not a fan of Scarlet & Wolf’s romance. It’s like Twilight if Edward & Jacob were merged into one person, and Bella was actually useful/had a personality at all. If that sounds like your cup of tea, great! But it’s not mine.
I also couldn’t really connect with Scarlet & Wolf the same way I connected with Cinder & Kai.

Speaking of Cinder, her and Thorne’s relationship (platonic) is amazing. I absolutely loved every one of their scenes together, Sarcasm™️. Their chapters were what I looked forward to the most.

A good book, but it’s the worst in the main series. Still, the series as a whole is awesome and I’m excited to continue.

4 stars