A review by engpunk77
Pierre: A Cautionary Tale in Five Chapters and a Prologue by Maurice Sendak


This was my son's favorite picture book of them all. We had the accompanying VHS tape that featured Carol King singing the words to the book, and my son would laugh and laugh and laugh (ages 4-7). We'd walk around the house singing the words , sometimes the whole thing from beginning to end, and sometimes a snippet at an appropriate time, like when I'd wake him up in the morning singing, "Good morning, darling boy; you are my only joy" and he'd groggily sing back, "I don't care!" Or I'd authentically need to ask him what he'd want for dinner and I'd sing, "What would you like to eat?" and he'd of course sing back, "I don't care" "Some lovely cream of wheat?" "I don't care" And we'd giggle. Sweet nostalgia.

We watched it and read it too much, but now when I see the cover or think of the tune, my eyes burn and my throat constricts. I miss this.