A review by rowievdvliet
A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab


A Darker Shade of Magic and A Gathering of Shadows might just be a masterpiece. Each of those books are so carefully crafted it reads like a waltz. V.E Schwab never seems to miss a beat. She's rehearsed and mastered every step she takes. All I can do while reading those books is being swept by the effect her words have over my emotions. Perhaps it was foolish to expect that of A Conjuring of Light as well.

This last part in the Shades of Magic series reads like a dance that's either rehearsed a little too much so the dancers got tired or one where there was not enough time to perfect it. She no longer manages to grab me with every sentence. There are scenes where I don't feel anything at all, even though these are the same characters I care so much for. Although sometimes they don't even feel like that. They just feel like actors delivering a screenplay that's not yet had the chance to turn to life in their minds.

Perhaps V.E Schwab had to write on a deadline. Maybe she only mapped out the first two books and wasn't sure how to wrap it up. She might also be a writer who's not that good at writing endings. Even though when I reached the end I WAS happy with how everything is left off. In the last chapters she does manage to reach my heart.

It's the middle parts I'm not so sure about. Some parts feel a little sloppy or out of place. A few characters go on this little quest and she tries so hard to make it matter. But all it seems is another chance to show off some cool stuff. To delay the finale even longer. Sure, what they set out to do plays a vital part in the conclusion of it all, but it doesn't read with the same intensity she can deliver.

I always thought the story would save itsself with strong characters like these. There are moments when this does happen, but sometimes it's just like everyone is so tired. Kell has some touching moments, but he never shines as much as he used to. Lila's parts in the story do more for me, but some inevitable story plots I expected to be grander. There's only one character that I feel for everytime he appears and that's Rhy. Maybe it's because he still has the most character development that it manages to keep me entertained throughout the book. Maybe I'm just a sucker for characters like him.

Don't get me wrong, if the first two books in this series had not been that good, I wouldn't even be dissapointed. A Conjuring of Light is still a fantasy book must writers can only strive for. It's innovative, original, exciting, fastpaced, emotional and smart. I just wish the motives of the villian could have felt a little more important or thought out. It would have made more of an impact if he was a wellrounded being you could identify with. I would have loved it if his reasons for chaos had been very understandable, just not acceptable from the point of view of our heroes.

It's almost like Schwab had so much more at stake with this book. Perhaps she forgot her own strength. Near the end she discards certain things too much. It's like she's trying so hard to show that she has it with these big gestures and dramatic turn of events. Yet she's at her best when she's describing forbidden lovers, people no longer being able to hold back their soft side or silly banter between characters. From her mind she can create worlds and make them seem real by slowly setting the scene and describing the characters. She used to be able to know exactly what componants to give the reader so they would care so much more.

Yet her imagination and ideas are still something to behold. The more you learn of the magic system the more breathtaking it becomes. It's mindboggling to think one person can conjure a world so intricate as this from absolutely nothing. I still loved this book and near the end I'm happy with the faith of most characters. There are a few questions I would have liked to get an answer too, but her talent shows through in the way she managed to end it all.

One day when people talk about the great authors of fantasy I hope they'll mention V.E Schwab among legends like J.R.R Tolkien, J.K Rowling, George R.R Martin, C.S Lewis, Philip Pullman and Neil Gaiman. She deserves it. At least to become as much of a sensation as Christopher Paolini became back in the day, because these books are far better.