A review by tanguera
Lie In Wait by Eric Rickstad


I'd expect better editing from a book published by Harper Collins (Witness Impulse is part of Harper Collins), but it was like the editor was sleeping. In a four page section, Victor sees Jon enter his office at 4:42pm, talks to the secretary about seeing Jon, who says that Jon is fully booked that morning. Bursts into Jon's office where Jon tells the secretary to take the rest of the morning off as it is almost time to leave, then watches as the sun starts to set. Okay, wow.

Then there is the dropping of words (perhaps for writer's voice), but instead just made sentences incomprehensible. And the misuse of big words. I'm okay with big words, but please make sure you use the right big words (culminating really doesn't mean the same thing as accumulating).

But more than that, Test really should have been named Testy, because she acted like an immature brat more often than a detective. North couldn't give her the time of day and discounted her "intuition"--or she thought he did, therefore he did. Neither North nor Test(y) ever once looked for a murder weapon. Never sifted through mounds of evidence to see whether it added up. Only really worked together once on the whole case (granted not the same department, but still). North felt cardboard and unreal, and Test(y) not much better. Also, the motive? Are you kidding me. What a letdown.