A review by daytonasplendor
Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture by Douglas Coupland


As Douglas Coupland is a fairly polarizing author, I was slightly hesitant in reading this, his, arguably, most famous work. I did enjoy the book, and I can understand why it had such mass appeal and mass unappeal (word?), and I think that equal parts of me can probably relate both to the group that maybe denounce it as a vapid, too-self-conscious semi-novel, and the group that appreciates it as a cultural touchstone in 'defining' a certain generation at a certain point in time. However, I do believe that as a generation-defining work, it tends to keep a barrier up from having those of us who are not from that generation really appreciate it from the point of view of someone like the characters in the novel and their corresponding real-life counterparts.

Of course, this is just my opinion. Feel free to love it or hate it as you will.