A review by nataliejordin_writes
Becoming by Michelle Obama


Becoming has to be my favorite nonfiction memoir to date. To hear forever FLOTUS, Michelle Obama's journey to the White House and out of it, was more than I imagined it would be.

She shares everything; bearing her flaws and doubts for the world to see. Michelle doesn't stray away from the ugly moments of her life, and she doesn't try to dress it up to make it sound more appealing to the ear. The problem I have with a lot of memoirs is that they make the ugly moments a comedy, and although sometimes, it's warranted (i.e. The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany Haddish), it's not always the best idea. When it comes to racism, and the impact it has on countless lives through history, or the horrific nature of what was to come after the las election, funny is not an option. When it comes to people losing their lives in wars overseas, or the wars here, where blacks lose their lives every day at the hands of police, and each other, funny is not an option.

I respect Michelle Obama for not only telling the truth but speaking it so eloquently; the way most Black people actually speak when needed. Even if slang was the way Black people spoke, it still doesn't mean they don't deserve to be heard. Michelle Obama proves that she hears and knows the struggle of Black people in America, and that she's willing to do something about it.

Her journey has proven to be worth it, and that's something that inspires people to do what it takes to make life worth it. Do what it takes to make a difference; to accept the journey and make it great. I recommend everyone read this book with an open mind and try to understand what it is like to be a Black person in American. She's a success story, but there are so many who won't ever see a tenth of what success feels like.

What do you consider a role model to be? Drop your answers or a pink heart in the comments below, or on any of my social medias.

Love, peace, and dope reading!