A review by rachaelbee0402
Humanism: A Very Short Introduction by Stephen Law


3.5 stars
Very occasionally I thought some arguments were rather weak and more emotionally or common-sense driven than logical, but overall I very much enjoyed reading it! I much preferred the latter half (when it steered off God).

Not only did it educate and inform me and make me interested in learning more about Humanism and the topics covered, it made me want to fight for causes! Rarely am I committed to values that make me want to get up and protest etc (I often don't strongly associate with particular political parties or values – I tend to sit on the fence a little, understanding the views but not to the extent of promoting them and quashing others), but with this... I feel much more strongly about the topics covered here.

So a very enjoyable book. Though I can’t hide my slight disappointment that it didn’t tell me the actual meaning of life by the end. Sigh.