A review by michael_benavidez
Knock Knock by Heather Daughrity, Heather Daughrity


A slow story that threads it's needle with acute precision, Heather Miller weaves a haunted house story and a story of family and how they dissolve with age. Catching tones of subtle gothic horrors, Miller shines in her debut.

The story lasts with you. Taking the view an elderly mother and then her children, we see that soft divide that comes between generations. We see a bittersweet tale that unfolds before us.

The story is done fantastically well. Not to give anything away, but there were moments where I related and recognized things that were happening and it broke my heart. Well plotted, evenly paced, we're given way to family drama moreso than haunts. But the haunts soon give way to be as much a part of that drama than let on.

I will say, the only reasons for the 4 stars was because I felt there was a bit more needed. Especially for one of the characters at the end to really be rounded out. Maybe that's on me wanting more from the book because I didn't want it to end, or because I felt the impact would've been all the greater had we had more. But all the same it's a strong debut, and I look forward to seeing more from Heather Miller