A review by lhart2222
29 Seconds by T.M. Logan


Alan Lovelock is adored by all, a charitable TV star who is on the cusp of a million-pound deal that will send his university right to the top. He also happens to be Dr Sarah Haywood’s boss from hell. In an attempt to rid Alan of his position of power, which puts her career and life on the brink of collapse. Sarah makes an impulsive 29-second decision that could rid her of her problem for good.

This book flew by. Reading it in two days and three sittings. The writing and story went hand in hand to provide a fast-paced and entertaining read. Story wise it has familiar tropes that as individual plots would have fallen short. However, the combination works.

The Characters in this book are done well. The author creates an extremely despicable villain who you can’t help but hate. At times the writing seems a bit cheap and easy to invoke dislike, but I feel this works once you finish the book.

The main protagonist is a good one. Put in difficult positions throughout, you feel like you’re in her shoes, making you feel connected. There are several other people who all fit perfectly and have an important part to play.

Not without its faults, at times it was a little contrived and unrealistic. Certain characters' motives are frustrating or completely left field. Once I finished the book though, these issues were at the back of my mind.

Overall this book was great. Super easy to read, with an engaging and immersive storyline, that was well written and executed extremely well. Playing on some sensitive topics, at times it did come off as an easy way to write a bad guy.

A four right on the cusp of a five. Personal preference and my penchant for realism were the only reasons it didn’t quite make it. You should read this book.