A review by nitza_pizza37
Jackdaws by Ken Follett


Gosh, this book is incredible!

Ken Follett is my favorite author, he first enraptured me with his epic writing in the Century Trilogy, which I reread nearly twice a year - so I had high hopes for this one, and of course, he delivered.

The two main characters are both complex and brilliant. Their juxtaposition and constant opposition of one another makes the book read as ever more thrilling. The history is of course well researched and every aspect of the novel is superbly dynamic. I love the way Follett teaches us about his characters through the comparisons they seemingly make in their head (I.e. viewing this evoked the thought of this) it’s brilliant and provides precise description.

I also love how Follett frequently employs a strong female protagonist, highlighting women’s roles in historical events, their bravery and valor. Though the book spans roughly a single week, the reader becomes well acquainted with the characters throughout and share Flicks’s sentiment that: ‘it was hard to believe she had been here with her husband only four days ago.’

Another Follett masterpiece!