A review by troystory
The Odyssey by Homer


This is quite possibly the best translation of The Odyssey I've ever had the pleasure of reading - after it, I cannot go back to any other edition. While the simplicity of the text may be off-putting at first (to those of us, who - like me - think that all translations of classical works have to be a pretentious type of elegant), it works so, so well in the context of the poem. Emily Wilson's writing is crisp and clear, bold where it needs to be, and it has such amazing imagery too. It flows really nicely, and it's easy to read, which I think is very important, especially in a translation.

A side note: it's worthwhile to read the introduction and the translator's note. If you've never read The Odyssey before, or don't know much about it, there is some information in there that can really add to the text when you read it. Even for me, someone who knows a lot about the classical world, there were things that I found beneficial.

I can't recommend this enough. It's an absolute masterpiece, and a classic in its own right.