A review by bupdaddy
The Tricking of Freya by Christina Sunley


OK, so five stars for a compelling story about a Connecticut girl/woman recapturing her Canadian, then Icelandic roots, with lots of cool mythology and Icelandic travelogue thrown in. Really wonderful writing.

So why do I need to say what I'm about to? I don't know. I'm not the most astute reader ever, and never got props from English teachers for my ability to read between the lines. Heck, I didn't even solve most Encyclopedia Brown cases - I had to read the answers in the back of the book. So I need to say that I saw the big 'twist' - the giant 'reveal' that comes at the end of the book...in the first chapter. Literally, the first chapter.

I had to get past that. I think the author really expects you to be shocked, moved, blown away, when the reveal comes, and I just wasn't. And you won't either, if I wasn't.

So try to look at the book in a different way. It's not about the big twist. It's about the journey of the protagonist who is shocked, moved and blown away though you won't be.