A review by andintothetrees
Until Next Weekend by Rachel Marks


I was SO HAPPY to finish this book, what an absolute grind it was, I don't know why I felt compelled to finish it tbh. Some of this is due to the book having been marketed in a bit of a dishonest way - it's described as being a fairly humorous, Nick Hornby-esque, romcom type light read about a man trying to win back his ex-wife/mother of his children. It is a bit about that, at least in the first third or so, but it's more about a COMPLETELY INSUFFERABLE man trying to come to terms with problematic drinking and traumatic past experiences. These are deep issues but I felt they were dealt with in what was often a shallow way and though he did have setbacks it was almost too easy/convenient, #thanksimcured. (I'm not at all averse to reading about serious topics - as my other reviews show - but this was marketed as a fluffy, escapist read, when it's not. And again, they aren't addressed in the depth I'd want if reading about such topics).

As I said earlier, the main character (Noah) really grated on me, and the supporting cast weren't much better - his ex-wife was a sort of angel/doormat combo and Mimi a Magic Pixie Dream Girl. His brother (Ben?) also seemed there only to serve Noah's needs. And the book goes on and on and ON AND ON. I read the Kindle edition (grateful I only paid a quid for it) but the print one is something like 400 pages I believe.

The only reasons I'm giving this 2 stars are 1. The kid characters are really well written and 2. It's not entirely the author's fault that the book is being marketed as something it's not.