A review by tatterededges
The Personal Assistant by Kimberly Belle


A couple of things

1. Why are the police pursuing Alex and her husband for murdering AC when they have all this evidence that AC lied about who she is and is clearly targeting the family? Dead people can’t plant bombs, hack phones or doctor photos.

2. If AC could figure out who took the money and killed the gangster, why is it that the cops and gangsters couldn’t? I doubt there were that many guests at the fleabag hotel.

3. The ending was absolute garbage. Anything good about this book was undone by the nonsensical convoluted claptrap that was the resolution.

4. Why didn’t she just apologise as soon as she saw the post? And then when the social media manager at the husbands work got involved, why wouldn’t you take full advantage of that? And while we’re on this, the Mr Fluffles account - they couldn’t block him! Really? Mate you can block anybody for any reason online.