A review by brittanica_bold
Bring Me Your Midnight by Rachel Griffin


I recently read Bring Me Your Midnight by Rachel Griffin and I was blown away!

This is my first Rachel Griffin book, but if her other books are half as good as this one was, I’m going to have to pick them up ASAP.

Let’s get to the specifics!

What I liked about the book:
1. As a nature lover, I loved how key their land and ocean was to their magic system and their history. The descriptions of the overflowing plant life in the towns, the infusion of magic into every day items like perfume and tea, and the way everything in their magic revolved around nature itself was so interesting to me. I’ve read a lot of books about covens recently, and I can honestly say this was a perfect representation of what I would want if I were a witch. It was refreshing, lush, and beautiful.

I also really liked how Tana described her feelings of the ocean and how being in it blocked out all her worries, fears, and pressures, as the ocean was so majestic that it’s “quiet” blocked out her loud thoughts. This is exactly how I feel about the ocean as well and could not have expressed it better myself.

2. Tana was such a wonderful character. While I battled with my feelings with her at first, always going along with what her family said and what she had been told was her duty, she did not let them control her ultimately. With small steps, she left behind the rules and guidelines that had been carved out for her in search of knowledge. Several times she remarked about wanting to know the truth, even if it hurt or wasn’t what she wanted to hear, as that was better than lies and ignorance. I can’t help but fall in love with a character who values knowledge over ignorance, especially when she was so humble and polite learning everything new about the “dark magic” world. And when she found her purpose??? GODS so good!

3. Wolfe was…amazing! He was everything I wanted in a MMC for Tana and much, much more. He saw that she was not vapid and taught her more about magic than she could ever dream, he showed her concrete proof of the things she wanted to know, and he ultimately fell to his knees for the girl he was never supposed to love. He was tough but sweet, guarded but vulnerable, and overall her perfect match.

4. I liked how Landon was a legitimately good guy and one of the first people to be honest with Tana. Because of their relationship and how he treated her, this didn’t really feel like a love-triangle book, which was great because how could she not end up with the guy named Wolfe???

5. I loved Tana’s dad and how sweet he was, even when she didn’t always walk the path her mother wanted. I also loved her best friend Ivy and how she came through for Tana in so many ways. While I wasn’t the biggest fan of Tana’s mother, I did enjoy the little history snip about her and Galen (haha!)

6. The writing was fantastic. It had an easy flow, and had the perfect amount of lush descriptors and intrigue. I also like the cover with all the symbols I didn’t notice at first, even if she looks like Lindsay Lohan!

7. There were so many quotes that were to DIE FOR, but here are some of my favorites:

Tana: It’s a memory keeper. Something to remember me by.

Wolfe: Thank you.[reaches toward Tana and tips her chin up with his fingers] But I won’t need any help remembering you.

[The words are intimate. Special. But he says them as if they’re the vilest words he’s ever spoken.]

Tana: Why are you angry?

Wolfe: Because your way of life goes against everything I stand for. You’re alliances make us smaller. Your compromises make us weak. I hate you. And I want you anyway.