A review by corrie
In the Palm by Elna Holst


In the Palm is my second Elna Holst. After reading Lucas I needed to read another one of her books straight away. I already thought this author would be one of those who can write in any genre she choses, and this novella proved my right.

And it was a total gem. An awesome first line (“I am drunk and about to chop my hand off.”) and we are thrown right in the deep end. Dr No-Name - stranded on a desert island – wakes up with total amnesia and has to survive the trauma of amputating her own left hand with only her wits and the meager contents of her handbag.

This is a very intimate story of one woman against the elements. I love how Holst writes her. No-Name has a wonderful inner dialogue - both sarcastic and humorous – as she is trying to adjust to her new reality. Her mind seems to feed her little tidbits of her old life.

Things become very interesting when it turns out No-Name is not alone on the island. That scene where she first meets Ren (in possession of her severed hand) is priceless. There are many precious scenes in fact, but I can’t say too much about it because it is best experienced while reading.

No-Name becomes Ren’s girl Friday, only Ren calls her Dimanche. They become each other’s world. She gets to meet Maman (another bitter-sweet but also hilarious scene) and will find out more about Ren’s past through Maman’s diary. We also get a sweet and unforgettable love story with an interesting little twist in the end. I so recommend you read this. It's brilliant!

f/f explicit

Themes: desert island, memory loss, trauma, survival, French, Chien, Dimanche, meet mother, utterly heartwarming.

4.8 Stars