A review by amyiw
Natural Witch by K.F. Breene


3 1/2
Bumping up because I liked the main character better in this than in the first trilogy of Demon Days, Vampire Nights, Darius and Reagan, as Reagan is a bit too off the wall for me. Still it was fun. In this one, the story was not as compelling and read like an NA. All the same, the main character is fun and her protective mom is also though annoying at times. I'm reading [b:Warrior Fae Trapped (Warrior Fae, #1)|49972782|Warrior Fae Trapped (Warrior Fae, #1) (Demon Days, Vampire Nights, #7)|K.F. Breene|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1564597906l/49972782._SX50_SY75_.jpg|72583295] concurrently though not through it yet, and it is even more NA as they are in college. Still I'm liking the story a bit more. They all crossover a very little and I think it is building up for Darius and Reagan's show down with Lucifer.