A review by shcleveland
Charming by Elliott James


This book was hilarious. The story has just the right balance of character development, action, humor, and mythology.

The narrator is John Charming, a sarcastic former-Knight Templar sorta-werewolf. Elliot James creates a superb character with sharp wit, believable progression, who at the core of his person is a decent person despite the chance of sprouting fur and fangs.

Charming gets dragged into a vampire hunt when a beautiful woman named Sig who isn't quite human (not telling what she is though, 'cause spoilers) walks into the "pub" where he's tending the bar. Things only get more interesting for Charming (and the reader) from there as Charming learns to work with Sig and her rag-tag band of misfit monster hunters to take down one seriously psycho vamp queen.

If you like the urban fantasy genre, can survive a few curse words, and love good sarcasm and a few bad puns, then you'll be absolutely charmed by Charming.